Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanks for Mentioning It

Writer and reviewer Martel Sardina professes a weakness for Pepsi. I should send a case of it to her for this mention in her review of Horror Library: Volume 3.
"In 'The Living World,' C. Michael Cook explores the motivating force behind one woman’s eating disorder, and caused this reviewer to suffer a loss of appetite herself. The scariest thing about this story was the realization that the patient’s logic is true."
Check out the rest of the review at Dark Scribe Magazine. And buy the book!


Fran Friel said...

I loved your story in Unspeakable Horrors, and I can't wait for this one, Michael. The book is on my nightstand and yours (once again) will be the first story I read.

Happy New Year, my friend!

Holiday Hugs,

Martel said...

I liked your story in Unspeakable Horrors, but "The Living World" hit me hard. And I'm not kidding about the loss of appetite either. I think that's what saved me from gaining weight over the holidays...LOL!

I hope you have a marvelous birthday and Happy Whole Year :)


lisagloria said...

Wow Michael, I love your blog. Kudos on th ewell-deserved recognition!!


C. Michael Cook said...

Appreciate the comments. Thanks, Fran -- can't wait to see you again.

Martel: Always happy to ruin someone's appetite and help them avoid holiday weight gain.

Lisa: It's great to have you as a reader. Thanks!