Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Short Short News

Terrific news that my flash fiction piece, "The Powers That Be," has been accepted into the Dark Distortions II anthology from Scotopia Press.

Flash fiction -- generally considered to be less than 1000 words -- can also be called a short short. In "The Powers That Be" men and women visit the site of a disaster and are transformed by what they find there.

Naturally, I'm delighted to be included, and grateful to the Dark Distortions editors Molly Feese and C.D. Allen for selecting my work.

Given the brevity of my story, I think I'll leave it at that.


John Hornor said...

OK, I don't hate you. How can I? We'll be in the same anthology. That's pretty cool. I can't believe it took them that long to read the submissions. That's like, six months.

Anyway, congratulations. And I mean it. Really.

Annie Wicking said...

Well done on being selected.

Good luck with your writing in the New Year.

Have a great Christmas,


C. Michael Cook said...

Thanks, John and Annie.

And happy holidays -- of every variety -- to both of you as well!

Churlita said...

Congrats, Michael. That's wonderful.